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5 Best and Worst Drinks for Losing Weight

  • When it comes to lose weight, most people only pay attention to the foods they eat but not the beverages they drink. That’s mistake.
  • In fact, an average person gets a fifth of daily calories from beverages. So what you drink also affect your body weight.
  • Choosing the right drinks can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism, curbing your appetite, and reducing your total calorie intake, or vice versa. The following are some best and worst drinks for weight loss:
The Best Drinks for Weight Loss

5 Best and Worst Drinks for Losing Weight

  • Water is definitely the best drink for weight loss. It can help keep you feel full longer and cut down your appetite. A dieter is advised to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.
  • Studies have found that drinking water before a meal causes people to eat less at meals. In addition, new research suggests that drinking plenty of water can have a positive effect on your metabolism.
  • It is estimated that increasing your water intake by two glasses a day can cause a 30% increase in metabolic rate, which in turn increasing the number of calories you burn.
Green tea
  • Green tea is the best drink for people who looking for weight loss. Some compounds found in green tea may help in speeding up your metabolism and suppressing your appetite, and thus can lead to weight loss. For optimal benefits, drink green tea twice a day.
Vegetable juice
  • As vegetables are naturally low in sugar content and high in fiber, taking the juice can help to suppress the appetite, causing those on juice to eat less.
  • A study has suggests that having one glass of vegetable juice before meals cut down your calorie consumption by about 30 percent.
Green smoothie
  • Green smoothie is an ideal weight loss drink as it’s loaded with fiber and low in fat. Making a green smoothie is pretty simple. Just add fresh vegetables, water and some ice into blender, and blend it up. Some of the best ingredients to add into your green smoothies are apples (with skin), blueberries, raspberries, bananas, celery, carrots, cucumber, and all leafy greens like spinach, lettuce, and kale.
  • It is important to keep your combinations simple. Simple combinations of four or less ingredients are easier to digest.
  • For optimal weight loss benefit, chew your smoothie no matter how weird it feels at first. Because gulping it down without chewing will cause more sugar to enter into your blood stream, making it harder to lose weight.
Coconut water
  • Coconut water contains many electrolytes which can increase the rate of metabolism. It is a great substitute for most commercial juices and energy drinks that contain a lot of calories and sugar which can contributes to weight gain.
The Worst Drinks for Weight Loss

  • Soda has a lot of sugar and empty calories. It’s simply calories from sugar. Diet containing too much sugar can lead to weight gain and even obesity.
Energy drinks
  • Most energy drinks contain a lot of sugar – about the same amount that’s the soda has. This sugar might give your energy a boost (on top of the caffeine). It’s ok to have sugar–containing drinks once in a while, but consuming too much sugar can cause cavities and weight gain.
Fancy coffee
  • Coffee with a little sugar and skimmed milk may not be so bad but those with whipped cream give you more calories than a full meal. And this isn’t even to talk about its carb content.
  • If you really want to drink this coffee, make your own at home so you know exactly what is going into it. Use low fat, or even preferably non-dairy milk such almond, and use stevia to sweeten.
Full cream milk 
  • This drink is not good for you who want to lose weight as it contains a lot of calories that hinder weight loss.
Alcohol drinks
  • Alcohol drinks are loaded with empty calories which may slows your body’s ability to burn fat, making your weight loss goal harder to achieve. So if you want to lose weight, stay away from this drink.
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