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5 Laser Treatments for Pimples

Acne scars can be quite a problem for most people who suffer from rashes. If a person has the leftover scars then these can be quite problematic to remove.

Different people try different methods however laser is a growing thing that is often used for this. People like to take these sessions from reputed parlours because these are non-evasive and are a permanent solution.

5 Laser Treatments for Pimples

5 Laser Treatments for Pimples

However these are also quite costly and can have severe damaging side effects. These are IPL or intense pulsed light lasers which are quite popular. These help the skin to produce collagen which helps in faster recovery of the treated area. These often take about 40 minutes to get treated. Approximately 4 to 6 sittings or 10 to 15 sittings are recommended depending on the condition of the patient. If these are done from reputed clinics, these can be quite helpful in treating left out spots. However, the costs are quite high for these. These can also give slight redness which can last for few weeks. These are often not done completely if treated layer by layer for excessive damage. These can take more sittings. This depends on the patient and the doctor prescription.

The treatment also varies according to the colour of the spot area. If it is red then mostly pulsed beams are used where as KTP or potassium titanyl phosphate is also used sometimes. Sometimes Q Switching and IPL are used. The usual treatments by this method are mentioned below.

1. Active Fx Treatment:

For people having problems related to the upper superficial layers of the skin, they can use this treatment.

2. Deep Fx Treatment:

This is quite different and this is for those people who have excessive scarring which are very deep.

3. Pixilation:

This is another method which can be done using small needle sized beams targeted at the required areas. This does not require damaging the rest of the area.

4. Frazel Laser:

This is Non-ablative. This generates heat which helps collagen building.

5. Carbon Dioxide technique:

This uses high intensity beams to vaporize damaged tissue. The healing time depends on the intensity of the beams used. That can be about 6 to 15 days.

  • Doing a laser treatment can be quite effective and at the same time this can be quite harmful if done in a wrong procedure or by an unprofessional medical practitioner. Often it is seen that these come in various levels of pulsations and therefore the wave lengths vary.
  • These can lead to severity to the damage made to the surface and also the epidermal cells. If the proper wave lengths are not used then that can lead to skin deformities and other severe damages.
  • It is also advised that a person should use sunscreen even indoors when they have undergone these sessions.
  • Doctor’s and skin specialist’s advice is of immense importance in this case. Only a doctor should suggest whether the person is a suitable candidate for the treatment or not.
  • It is also seen that different people with various types of skin damage should take different levels of the treatment.
  • These can cause temporary swelling, burning sensation. For those having irritated or extremely sensitive surface, they can get dark or blotchy patches from doing these.
  • If these are not done properly then these can cause cyst and other deformities. Blood vessel dilation can also occur if these are not properly done.
  • These treatments should be done from medical professional and certified specialists who are trained to do these on a regular basis.

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