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5 Ways to Use Jojoba Oil for Treating Acne

That ever present spectra in the world of skin problems. This demon haunts you day and night and continues to ail you even after you’ve destroyed its existence! Don’t despair. Every problem has a solution and even though this adage might not seem true to you, in this case it most certainly is. Acne isn’t infallible, even though it would have you believe that! You can cure acne in a number of manners. The best treatments however, are the natural ones.

Over the counter creams and ointments have chemicals that are often harsh on your skin. Natural treatments have no such side effects. Jojoba oil, which has several medicinal properties, is an excellent natural cure for acne. It can be used in a number of different ways to treat acne. Here are some of these ways.

5 Ways to Use Jojoba Oil for Treating Acne

Jojoba Oil as A Moisturizer:

Jojoba oil is an excellent moisturizer. However, its benefits are escalated when supplemented with Aloe Vera gel, which is another excellent moisturizer. To experience these magical properties take a little bit of both the aloe gel and the jojoba oil and mix them together. Then apply it to your face. Rinse off any excess oil. After about a week of using this mixture, you will begin to feel your skin heal. However, don’t buy moisturizers which say they have both these elements pre-mixed. You must buy them separately and combine them in your hands or in a bottle, before application. You can use this moisturizer just before your shower, just before using benzoyl peroxide or any other chemical treatment you are partaking.

Jojoba Oil as Cleanser:

This excellent moisturizer can also be used as a cleanser. While combating acne, it is imperative that you maintain high standards of hygiene. Thus, washing your face or any other affected area regularly is a must. But the use of harsh chemicals, along with regular washing with soap, tends to make the skin in these areas dry. Using jojoba oil as a cleanser helps deal with this issue. So after you’ve cleansed your skin with a normal soap, dry the surface and apply some jojoba oil. Pat the oil in to make your skin absorb it. Then wash it off once again. Your skin is now not only clean and fresh but also well moisturized!

Extra virgin oil142 copyJojoba Oil  to Unclog Pores:

To do this, wash your face with soap or any other face wash. Then apply jojoba oil. Try to press the oil into your skin, concentrating on the areas most affected. Then take a hot washcloth and put it on your face or the affected area to steam the skin. Afterwards, wipe off the extra oil that gets accumulated on the skin.

Jojoba Oil  to Get Rid of Pimples:

Using jojoba oil with tea tree oil is an excellent cure for pimples and other skin blemished. Any acne breakout inevitably leads to the above two. However, the mixture of jojoba oil with tea tree oil is extremely potent. Hence, you must apply it upon your pimples and blemishes, avoiding all unaffected areas. The mixture should be made with a few drops of tea tree oil for every teaspoon of jojoba oil.

Jojoba Oil  and Cornmeal:

Cornmeal helps enhance the moisturizing abilities of jojoba oil. Mix them in a one is to one ratio and apply it as a mask. Let it stay for a few minutes and then rinse it off. The effect is unbelievable!

Jojoba oil is of immense help while treating skin issues. It is a rich source of vitamin E and is thus, the best medication for all types of skin. While it is extremely helpful in treating acne, certain kinds of acne such as cystic acne are not receptive to this treatment.

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