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Dhyana Yoga Asanas and Benefits

In this write up, I would to be talking about Dhyana Yoga. I would like to clarify that I don’t mean to replace any kind of expert opinion. I am just a novice. You should always practice under a well trained instructor. Given that, I have made a humble attempt to give you a peek into what is Dhyana Yoga is basically all about.

Literally speaking, the word Dhyana means meditation or concentrating or focussing entirely on one object or thought or mantra. Yoga is defined as practice of mental, spiritual and physical disciplines. Dhyana Yoga has 3 aspects, which are: Concentration, Yoga exercises and deep breathing.

Out of the 8 limbs of yoga, Dhyana Yoga is considered the most complex and tough to achieve because it involves silencing and controlling the mental flow of thoughts. In simple terms, our mind tends to be very fickle and keeps wandering from one thought to another, thinking about the events from past, present and future. We tend to be preoccupied with worries, anxieties, hope and aspirations. Dhyana Yoga is the practice of stabilising and grounding our mind to achieve deep focus and calm.  Through dhyana yoga, one can learn how to release stress, negativity and focus on Positive aspects of life.

Dhyana Yoga Asanas and Benefits

To practice Dhyana yoga, you need to focus on some object like perhaps a Diya or an idol of god. You may also focus on some point on your forehead, usually between the eyebrows or listen to some mantra being recited or can also chant the mantra by himself. In each of the above mentioned ways of focussing… the practitioner is indulging or using his senses like sight, hearing or reciting. It involves sitting and then closing one’s eyes and concentrating On Om or a godly figure between your eyebrows or in the very centre of your forehead. Try to hold the focus for atleast 15minutes.Take and release deep breaths while doing so.  It is important to position your hands in Dhyana mudra wherein your hands are placed In the lap. The right hand is placed on top the left hand with palms facing up. While the Dhyana deepens, one is also simultaneously practicing some Asana and Pranayama.

Asana means a form of exercise in classical Yoga. Asanas, should be steady and  firm yet comfortable and relaxed. It helps the practitioner become aware of their body, mind, and environment.

Pranayam refers to deep breathing techniques. In a Yogic point of view, Pranayama brings more oxygen to the blood and brain.

The asanas most commonly practiced With Dhyana Yoga are:

Padamasana Or lotus pose:

This is an easy aasan that involves sitting straight and  spreading the legs forward.Then, we place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh.The hands are placed in dhyan mudra.The back and head are to be kept erect. The eyes are to be closed.

Cobra pose Or Bhujangasana:

This asana helps in strengthening the chest, upper back and the shoulder muscles. This posture will helps in improving blood circulation and relieving respiratory disorders.

Forward bend pose Or paschimottanasana:

This relaxes the back, shoulder and legs. To practice this asana, get seated on yoga mat on a firm surface and spread your legs straight in front of you. Now fold your right knee, the heel of the right foot is placed touching the left, upper, inner thigh. Bend forwards and downwards and try to touch your left foot with your forehead. Hold on for 5 minutes. This asana also helps with mental concentration.

There are a lot of benefits that Dhyana Yoga imparts to the practitioner. To mention a Few of them :
  • It helps in achieving muscular flexibility and strength.
  • It boosts the energy levels in the body. So, it gives you an instant dose of zeal if you are feeling low.
  • It recharges and refreshes your brain.
  • Most importantly you feel closer to god.
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