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How to Make Ginger Chicken Recipe

Are you someone who is really fond of chicken and its various recipes? Do you really love chicken and want to break the monotony of eating the same thing each day again and again? If you are looking for some delicious recipes for cooking chicken along with restoring a lot of benefits, then the best thing to do is to know the recipe of Ginger Chicken. It is one of the most aromatic and well flavoured chicken recipes that you can try once in a while to enhance the taste buds.

For those who love cooking and trying out new recipes, one of the best options to try is that of ginger chicken. To know one of the easiest ways in which you can cook it, this guide below will help you out. All you need to do is follow each of the instructions in a well planned manner.

Recipe For Ginger Chicken

How to Make Ginger Chicken Recipe

Ingredients Required:
  • Chicken: 1 kg
  • Tomatoes: 4, chopped
  • Milk: 1 cup
  • Red Chilli Powder: 1 tablespoon
  • Salt: to Taste
  • Turmeric Powder: ½ teaspoon
  • Coriander Seeds: 1 tablespoon
  • Ginger: 100 grams cut into slits
  • Oil: ¾ cup
Method of Preparation:

In a blender add the tomatoes as well as the milk and blend it into a smooth and fine liquid while ensuring that no tomato chunks are left to be blended. Leave this in the blender for the time being and move on to the rest of the work.

Take the oil in a cooking pit and heat it well. The chicken should be stir fried in the pot until the time it turns white. Now once it does, add some salt to taste and keep cooking it until the chicken turns pink. To this add the red chilli powder, coriander seeds powder as well as the turmeric powder. Make sure you mix it well to ensure that the chicken is coated well with the spices. Once this is done, you need to add the tomato and milk mixture to the cooking pot.

In the same blender, add water and mix the water well so as to take all the paste of the tomato and then pour this water into the cooking pot. This water should be approximately 1 ½ cups. Now increase the flame and bring the entire curry to a boil. To this you need to add the chopped ginger. Cover the cooking pot and leave it cook further on medium heat but make sure you stir the chicken from time to time to prevent it from sticking to the base.

This should be done till the time the chicken is cooked and the mixture is thickened a little. Now remove the cover and let the extra water get reduces by cooking it on high flame. You will know about the curry being cooked when the sauce thickens well and the oil leaves the mixture. This ginger chicken is ready to be served hot.

Make sure you serve the ginger curry with either bread or with hot rotis as a perfect combination.

Tips to Remember:

1. Make sure that the chicken is hot when served or else it will lose its taste and aroma.
2. The rotis or bread should be hot as well for an enhanced taste.
3. Use fresh chicken to prepare the dish for good health and ideal taste.
4. Make sure you are always there to keep stirring the chicken when it is cooking to avoid any burning smell or taste.
5. Ginger should be fresh as well to get the maximum aroma and taste of this wonderful natural product.
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