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Top 17 Foods for Glowing Skin

A clear and glowing skin is always a reflection of good looks, beauty and a flawless personality. There is hardly any person whether women or men who does not want a clean and problem free skin that glows and something that people around envy. However, adhering to surgical methods and treatments available in the salon is not only expensive but in a lot of cases also leaves various side effects. The best is to look into natural and homemade ways of getting a glow on the face that you will surely love.

Foods for glowing skin

Top 17 Foods for Glowing Skin

Along with homemade packs and remedies, the nature’s gift for glowing skin comes in the form of various foods that if included in the daily diet can help in achieving the goals in a couple of weeks. The list below consists of top such foods that are highly recommended in combos to get the outcomes.Check them out and consume them regularly. It is bound to help.

1. Cottage Cheese:

Cottage Cheese is the best for dry skin. It fights flaky skin and dandruff and allows your skin to shine and make it look light, soft and very beautiful. It contains selenium and other important minerals which are necessary and very important for the health of your skin.

2. Blueberries:

Blueberries are one of those common fruits and vegetables which are very beneficial for the skin. They lighten up the skin tone and also carry antioxidants which will prevent ageing. Having a cup of blueberries along with a bowl of cereals shall give you great results within a few weeks time.

3. Salmon:

Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which add moisturization to the skin and also keep it supple and soft. It has vitamin D which keeps your bones strong and healthy. Adding this to your diet in the form of a salad or maybe grilling and baking it shall give you a lot of good health and nutrition.

4. Oyster:

Oyster is full of zinc which repairs the skin and allows the renewal of cells. It also keeps your hair and nails healthy and well maintained. This is one of the most important sea foods you need to look bright and beautiful.

5. Walnuts:

Walnuts contain Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids which will benefit your skin in major ways. Eating a daily dose of them at breakfast or along with some salad at lunch will supply you with all the nutrients you need to improve the texture of the skin and to also make it glowing and radiant.

6. Kiwi:

Kiwis are small brown and green fruits that are full of Vitamin C. They help in removing wrinkles and lines of ageing and also make your bones and teeth healthy and strong. They also protect you from major diseases such as cancer and heart diseases.

7. Dark Chocolate:

Dark Chocolate protects your skin from damage and makes your skin glow. It does not cause any acne and should be a part of eating habits. However make sure you are careful with the quantities since it might make you put on weight. Since dark chocolate has high flavanol content and has 60 percent cocoa, it is a good and healthy kind of chocolate indeed.

8. Yogurt:

Low fat Yogurt is great for strong bones, teeth and radiant skin. You can have it during lunch as a dessert or even as a mid afternoon snack along with a salad. The health benefits of yogurt are plenty and should surely be consumed daily.

9. Green Tea:

Green tea is the best when it comes to improve the skin. It reduces cancer risks and blood pressure and also controls your weight. It stops the coming of breakouts and pimples and have been suggested by various doctors and nutritionists. Having three cups of green tea a day is all you need to keep your skin fit, healthy and light.

10. Water:

One of the easiest and the best giving results comes in the form of water where glowing skin is concerned. Having about 10-12 glasses of water each day is highly recommended to flush the toxins from the skin as well as to repair and rejuvenate the same.

11. Almonds:

Another of the super foods that helps in adding glow to the skin are almonds. Along with providing vitamin E for the skin nourishment it also has antioxidants in it that helps in skin protection and health. Have a handful of almonds each day for best outcomes.

12. Citrus Fruits:

Starting from oranges to lemons and from blackcurrants to broccoli and even guava any fruit or vegetable that has high levels of vitamin C is known for providing maximum glow to the skin and that too in a couple of weeks.

13. Tomatoes:

There is lycopene in tomatoes that helps in treating and delaying ageing signs as well as curing the problems of the skin. Including tomatoes in the daily diet really helps in getting you healthy as well as glowing skin. This has been proved by professionals.

14. Green Tea:

Along with hydrating the skin, green tea has antioxidants for treating all skin issues as well as for giving a glow to the skin. It also helps in repairing the damaged skin cells and rejuvenating the skin surface. Having two to three cups of green tea is highly recommended.

15. Strawberries:

Strawberries is again one of the fruits that has high levels of antioxidants as well as vitamin C. both of these nutrients helps in adding a glow to the skin. Strawberries can be consumed in small portions during season to get maximum benefit.

16. Avocados:

Along with antioxidants, there is high levels of potassium, vitamins as well as good fats present in avocados which makes it a perfect top notch food for glowing skin.

17. Millets:

There is silicon in millets which is one of the major minerals that help in bringing the glow on the skin. It also keeps the hair, nails and teeth healthy.
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