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Top 15 Homemade Beauty Tips for Pimples

Pimples are the source of many a person’s woe. They appear in the most untoward places and refuse to disappear fast. Moreover even when they leave, they leave behind mementos in the form of patches or marks.

Who doesn’t like smooth, clear skin? Some people are lucky enough to be born with it. But for others, they have to work hard to achieve it. This article aims to help you cure your case of pimples or if not cure, at least handle it better. Here are the best 15 homemade beauty tips for pimples/ acne marks.

Top 15 Homemade Beauty Tips for Pimples

Careful Washing of Face:

It is imperative that you do not try to scrape off or burst your pimples. This can be painful and most definitely leaves marks. You should rather, wash your face gently and try special acne creams or herbal pastes to reduce their severity.

Frequent Washing:

Wash your face frequently to keep it free of oil and dirt. Oil and dirt are two factors that greatly assist in increasing the severity of the pimples.

Non-Comedogenic Make-up:

Keeping your face clean is extremely important while trying to reduce pimples. Oftentimes the major cause of our pimple sis nothing other than the cosmetics we use. So make use of non-comedogenic make-up and organic skin care products.

Hygienic Pillowcases, Towels and so on:

You have to keep all forms of clothing that come in regular contact with your face clean. So make sure that your pillowcase is cleaned regularly and that you use a fresh one each night. Also never use dirty towels while drying your face.

Healthy Food:

Your eating habits impact the beauty of your skin too! fresh and healthy food results in healthier skin compared to oily junk. So avoid spicy, oily food while trying to control a bout of acne.

Dry your Face Gently:

Again like washing, you have to be gentle while drying your face too. Use soft towels and dab your skin gently. Do not use the same towel again or let other use it. This spreads the germs faster.


Yes, the lovely grapes everyone love to eat are actually excellent for one’s skin too, especially in treating pimples. There are plenty of ways of utilizing this measure. You can just slice up some large grape pieces and place them over your pimples, or you could mash up some grapes and apply it like a paste.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera has always been famous for its excellent skin toning properties. The juice of aloe leaves is greatly helpful in making your skin soft, smooth and pimple free! If you have an aloe plant in your house, then all you need to do is slice up one of its leaves and then apply the gel upon the affected area. You can use organic aloe gels or creams if you don’t own a plant.

Tulsi Paste:

Tulsi is another excellent herbal remedy for pimples. Fresh basil or tulsi leaves are the best but dried leaves serve the purpose too. Just crush some of the leaves in some hot water and turn it into a paste. Then apply it upon the affected area and wait for the herb to work its magic.


Honey is used in a number of beauty concoctions. It helps make your skin more smooth and blemish free. Adding lemon juice to it is an excellent idea. However the lemon juice may be a bad idea for the severe pimple cases, as it can cause burning and agitation. Use dry roast cinnamon for these.


Simple application of yogurt on your skin also helps you get rid of pimples. Yogurt also helps cut tan and make your skin fairer and smoother.

Sesame Seeds:

A fine paste of sesame seeds does the job too! if you are using seeds then you have to soak them overnight. You can ground the seeds into a paste in the morning.


Potatoes can be applied in many ways. You can either apply potato juice upon the affected areas or just put slices of potato upon your skin. You can even grate some potato and use that.

Neem Leaves:

Neem has many antiseptic properties. These help reduce the germs that cause aggravation of pimples. Thus application of neem leaves is a great help in getting rid of pimples.


A fine paste made of crushed mint leaves is also helpful in reducing pimples. Mint leaves mixed with oats work wonders.
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